Level 2 -Learn the Office Suite

Become a Power User!
Developed in line with the CSEC curriculum, this course teaching some of the fundamentals skills necessary to make yourself a Power User and master the productivity tools you’ll need to ace school.
Advanced (For ages 15+)
2 Weeks
Certificate of Participation

Your Trainers for this course
This course is led by qualified ICT Professionals employed by the Institute’s ICT Unit. Beyond training, the team at the ICT Unit have deployed a number of solutions in different areas including Data Science, Gaming, Web Development and Mobile App Development
Be interested in learning and have the following
- Microsoft Office with the following: Powerpoint, Word, Access, Excel.
- a steady Internet connection to watch our videos.
Free (All Costs for this course have been covered by our sponsor Republic Bank)
Learn more about why we think Coding is important and what are some of it’s benefits to students
About This Programme
Learn more about the Innovation Nation Programme

The first 500 students to complete their chosen track will receive a cool token from CARIRI,
Students who complete their track will be eligible to participate in this year’s PowerUp! Competition where they can test their knowledge to win great cash prizes.
Parents of students who sign up for any of one of the tracks will also receive a complimentary 1-year Digital T&T Guardian subscription!
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