Guardians of the Earth: Climate Action in Motion 10+
Global warming caused by our activities, and the accompanying climate change, is one of the greatest challenges of our time. There is a global effort underway to shift towards green energy and reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the environment. This course is designed to inspire you to rethink your use of energy and choose a green future. The course will help you to understand the issue of climate change and look at what you can do in your homes, schools and communities to help the planet and participate in the transition towards green energy and a healthier world. The following four modules will be covered in this course:
At the end of the programme, you will learn about the changes that you can make in using energy and other natural resources in your lifetime, which can have a positive impact on mitigating climate change and protecting the environment. We hope you will be inspired to become an advocate for climate action.
Beginners (Ages 10+)
2 Weeks
Certificate of Participation

Your Trainers for this course
This course is led by qualified Scientists employed by the Institute’s Sustainable Energy Unit. CARIRI’s Sustainable Energy Department actively supports national efforts to build capacity to meet the demand for services in the areas of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency through our training and sensitisation sessions. We continue to work towards empowering youth and communities to choose sustainable energy solutions and reduce their impact on the environment. Our department aims to promote the use of local raw materials and resources to deliver green solutions by individuals, communities and industries.
About This Programme
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Topics Covered
Sustainability and Climate Change – Explore the relationship between sustainability, sustainable development and climate change and learn how you can reduce your impact on the environment.
Energy Auditing – Learn an approach for identifying high energy usage areas at home or school and find out about simple solutions for reducing energy usage.
Carbon Footprinting – What is your carbon footprint? Learn what it means and how your activities contribute towards it.
Solar PV Systems – Find out about solar energy as a renewable energy solution, how it works and ways it can be used to power the future .
Be interested in learning and have the following
- a Google Email/Gmail Account (with Parental Privileges).
- a steady Internet connection to watch our videos.
- Optionally – A Mobile Phone to Install your newly developed apps too.
Free (All Costs for this course have been covered by our sponsors)
Learn more about why we think Innovation Nation Programme is important and what are some of it’s benefits to students
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